The Bonus Post

I'm sneaking this post in mostly for myself, but also for posterity. These are just a few things we want to remeber! We had some lovely family photos done, and this makes a nice cover photo for this post :) Microsoft switched to a different building. This one is just next to the other one, but it's brand new and quite swanky. Morgan holding an important board meeting Protests happening downtown. All.The.Time. These people are paid by the government to come march. Most of them come from poor towns, they bring their babies and shut down half the city. They don't even know what they're protesting. Politics here are wack. Along the same lines....people aren't afraid to tell you how they feel. Both James and I have had tounge lashings by some riled up citizen. It could be the failing economy, but people here are pretty angry under the surface. And above. We did some exploring with the Santimarias and found this cool Spanish style fountain area. It reminded me of...