
Showing posts from May, 2022

A Swift April!

James is being sweet and giving me the gift of time on this Mother's Day so I'm catching up here, and posting pictures for my Mom and Mother in Law :) April was busy and went by far too quickly. Charlotte turned 12 and wanted to have a party with some friends from school. James took them to an escape room and somehow these giggly tweens made it out with a minute to spare.    James took this picture at a ward picnic. It represents my experience at church every week perfectly :)  Wesley also had a birthday. He asked to not have a party with friends, bless his heart. He did get a new friend as a gift though. Bearded dragons, it turns out, are excellent pets for six-year-olds.  The kids had a week off of school for fall break, although I swear it was spring break. James took some time off work and took all the older kids on an overnight trip to an area called Entre Rios. I stayed home with Ian and listened to the blessed Sound of Silence.  They saw these capybaras w...