Help has arrived!
We have our Nana here! She arrived Tuesday morning. It's so nice to have her help and calming presence in our home. Grandpa is due to arrive in two days and then baby boy is welcome to come any time. Hopefully sooner rather than later. Dropping Imogen off at preschool The kids have spent a lot of time in the pool and this little lady is now putting her head under water and swimming a decent distance on her own. If she's not at school, she's usually in her swimsuit. Paula, a sweet primary leader in our ward offered to teach the kids to crochet (Jack's dream). Wesley was a bit jealous so I worked on finger knitting with him :) We had been told by a few people that there was a decent little zoo near downtown with lots of great animals (white tiger, rhino, hippos...) so we tried it out yesterday. I'm not exactly sure what was going on, but everything was boarded up and this was about as good as it got: We saw the head of a giraffe behind the closed-off areas, so we...