Yesterday Came Suddenly
I refuse to let this blog become neglected in the wake of returning home in a month. We've gotten this far, we can make it to the end! Alllll the way back at the beginning of April my parents came to visit. The weather here in Buenos Aires has been one of my favorite things here, but they came during the crème de la crème. The heat had just decided to take it easy and every single day was perfection. My mom wanted to see Iguazu and my dad wanted to see the Andes, so we decided I would take them to both for one night each. Charlotte came with us to Iguazu and Jack to Bariloche. Amazingly this plan worked well! It will never get old!! We even made it to the Brazilian side Then off to Bariloche. I was prepared to be the tour guide on this trip, but my dad (per usual) had his own idea. He conceded to let me take him on a small loop of the most touristy spots, then took us on a hours long drive up a dirt road to a glacial lake that I had never heard of. Neither had Ja...