Chrissy and Christian Visit Part II

For some reason this post felt like a college paper. I kept getting distracted and had to come back over and over again to get it done. Excuse the disjointedness of it! The school the kids go to tries to coincide with the North American schedule as much as possible, while still giving them a decent summer break. We have six weeks off in June/July and six weeks again in December/January. While Chrissy and Christian were in Chile, the kids finished up school. Wesley graduated from Kindergarten and (news to me) wants to work for Microsoft. When Chrissy and Christian came back we tagged along with them to meet Christian's mission companion in Boca, an eclectic and colorful neighborhood where Tango is said to have been born. It reminded me a bit of the French Quarter in New Orleans. Then it was James' birthday and I tricked C&C into watching our kids overnight while James and I stayed at the Marriott downtown. I though it was the same place we stayed 12 year...